Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Makeup Instruction with Erin Wooldridge, Class 1:Foundation

     I promised to share after I attended the first makeup class with Erin Wooldridge, professional makeup artist. The class was approximately five hours long, small student size (5 today), and was in an intimate and wonderful setting, Erin's awesome and inspiring studio. 
We were given a printed overview she had put together of the basics of laying down foundation, product, tools and facial structure. Erin demonstrated how she would apply both a light, day base and a heavier "film/photography/wedding" foundation. The class jumped in to hands-on and Erin let us know that she was here to teach us what WE wanted to learn, so the class moved at the pace of the students and the feedback we gave.
Tamara, owner of Bidwell Hair Cottage in Chico, Ca, was kind enough to let me snap photos of Erin demonstrating her skills on Saturday.

Smashbox tinted moisturizer, light enough for every day use. This is the product being used on Tamara on the above and below photographs.


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244 Fluid, used as an agent to manipulate the very intense texture of professional grade foundation.

If you look closely, you can see a very natural application to the back of her hand. The 244 fluid was used to thin out the foundation. Erin described a use like this might be used for say, male makeup.

We were given professional grade foundation to apply to first our own face, and then later we found a partner's shade and practiced application on one another. There is almost a "bedside manner" when it comes to applying makeup to someone else's face, as it is very personal to be in one's space in this way. 

My patient partner Jessica, also stylist of Bidwell Hair Cottage. She wanted her freckles covered, so I took to the task! I think I did fairly well, and thank you Jessica for lending me the beautiful face, freckles and all!

We used a lighter shade to practice highlighting, and learned about finding skin tones and building coverage, different brushes and an awesome sponge called the BeautyBlender, which we all tried on the lovely Erin!!

Tamara, and Lauri of The Palms Venue in Chico, Ca
I had a fun day and learned some new techniques as well as some new products I would like to test out. (Husband, bear with me!!! lol) Judging by smiles and laughs of the other ladies, I think they enjoyed the class as well. Congrats to Erin on her first class in the series!

For more information on the Chico, Ca makeup instruction courses offered by Erin Wooldridge, please email

For more information on the hair salon Bidwell Hair Cottage, please visit

For more information on the events venue The Palms, please visit